Cannabinoids and Sports Performance

Historically, cannabis was banned by sports leagues because athletic governing bodies believed it to be harmful to athletes. More recently, a growing number of studies are showing that cannabis can be beneficial to people, including athletes. So now, the same athletic governing bodies are exploring whether cannabis is performance-enhancing.

What does the science say?

A couple of ways that cannabis can help athletes is through pain and concussion management. Numerous animal studies show that cannabinoids such as cannabidiol (CBD), cannabigerol (CBG), cannabinol (CBN), and cannabichromene (CBC) possess anti-inflammatory properties. It is through this anti-inflammatory effect that musculoskeletal pain can be reduced.

Everyone knows athletes are often injured. So, if cannabinoids can help them return to or remain in competition, that’s obviously a significant advantage. But is it performance-enhancing? Many would argue no more so than prescription or over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs.

A significant number of animal (and even some human) studies demonstrate CBD is effective at reducing anxiety. Therefore, some athletes turn to cannabis as a way to relieve anxiety associated with competition.

A handful of studies suggest cannabinoids such as CBD (and possibly CBN) can be effective in promoting sleep. Any elite athlete would agree that improved sleep quality is very beneficial to post-workout recovery.

Other potential benefits

The evidence is mostly anecdotal, but for many, cannabinoids sharpen mental clarity. As a result, many athletes believe cannabis helps them train longer because of their improved focus on the activity.

Final Thoughts

Measuring performance enhancement is largely a subjective endeavor. How do sports governing bodies determine if a substance enhances performance, but not too much? Caffeine, which is not banned by any major sports governing body, is known to improve mood, increase alertness, and boost energy. However, cannabinoids, which provide the same benefits, continues to be banned by some organizations such as the NCAA.

Cannabinoids have a long history with competitive athletes. Despite the restrictions imposed by athletic governing bodies, many elite athletes rely on cannabis for a number of performance-related benefits.




Zeiger J et al; Cannabis use in active athletes: Behaviors related to subjective effects; PLoS ONE 14(6): e0218998.


Ware M et al; Cannabis and the Health and Performance of the Elite Athlete; Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine; 2018 Sep; 28(5): 480 – 484.


de Mello Schier A et al; Antidepressant-like and anxiolytic-like effects of cannabidiol: a chemical compound of Cannabis sativa; CNS and Neurological Disorders Drug Targets; 2014; 13(6): 953 – 960.


Linares I et al; Cannabidiol presents an inverted U-shaped dose-response curve in a simulated public speaking test; Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry; 2019 Jan-Feb; 41(1): 9 – 14.


Shannon S et al; Cannabidiol in Anxiety and Sleep: A Large Case Series; The Permanente Journal; 2019; 23: 18 – 41.



This content is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers of this content should consult their physician or qualified healthcare professional regarding specific health questions, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications. CannaGlobe, LLC does not take responsibility for possible health consequences of any person reading and/or following this informational content.


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